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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 15
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-103, (September, 1975)

Structural studies of some body-centered cubic phases of mixed oxides involving Bi2O3: The structures of Bi25FeO40 and Bi38ZnO60
Pages 1-8
D.C. Craig, N.C. Stephenson
The effect of crystal size on chemical hysteresis in praseodymium and terbium oxides
Pages 9-17
A.T. Lowe, K.H. Lau, L. Eyring
Influence de la substitution tungste`ne-niobium sur les proprie´te´s cristallographiques et die´lectriques de la solution solide de compositions limitesBa2.50−xNa2xNb5O15(0,23 ≤ x ≤ 0,60). Le syste`me BaNb2O6single bond(NaNbO3)2single bond(WO3)2a`1050°C
Pages 18-23
Jean-Maurice Reau, Brahim Elouadi, Jean Ravez, Paul Hagenmuller
Phase transitions in tungsten trioxide at low temperatures
Pages 24-39
I. Lefkowitz, M.B. Dowell, M.A. Shields
Magnetic property in the system BaCo1−xNixO3 (x = 0 ∼ 1)
Pages 40-44
Y. Takeda
Interstitial superstructures in the Tasingle bondD system
Pages 45-53
H. Asano, Y. Ishino, R. Yamada, M. Hirabayashi
The electrical conductivity of single crystals of Ag2HgI4
Pages 54-60
K.W. Browall, J.S. Kasper
Kinetics and mechanism of the transformation in antimony trioxide from orthorhombic valentinite to cubic senarmontite
Pages 61-67
P.S. Gopalakrishnan, H. Manohar
A microdomain description of defective fluorite-type phasesCaxM1−xO2−x(M =Zr, Hf; x = 0.1–0.2)
Pages 68-78
J.G. Allpress, H.J. Rossell
Evidence for the initiation of copper azide [Cu(N3)2] and thallium azide [TIN3] by carrier emission from Schottky barrier contacts
Pages 79-81
Peter Mark, Thaddeus Gora
ESR and reflectance spectra of manganese in polycrystalline TiO2 (rutile)
Pages 82-88
D. Cordischi, M. Valigi, D. Gazzoli, V. Indovina
Interpre´tation de la conductivite´electrique de ZrO2 et de HfO2a`haute tempe´rature (1300°C–1600°C)
Pages 89-95
A. Guillot, A.M. Anthony
Identification and investigation of impurities in undoped Hg1−xCdxTe
Pages 96-101
Jacob W. Lin
Evidence for the existence of iron tungsten bronzes: I. J. McColm, R. J. D. Tilley. School of Materials Science, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, England.And C. P. M. Barton and N. N. Greenwood. Department of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
Page 102
Etude structurale de Cs2SnF6: J. Durand, J. L. Galigne, and A. LariLavassani. Laboratoire de Chimie Minerale C, Chimie des Materiaux, E.R.A. 314, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Place Eugene Bataillon, 34060 Montpellier, France
Page 102
Interaction phonon acoustique-microprecipites dans les semiconducteurs: Cas de GaAs: P. L. Vuillermoz. Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere, Institute National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon, France
Page 102
Classification, notation, and ordering on a table of inorganic structure types: J. Lima-de-Faria and M. O. Figueiredo. Junta de Investigacoes Cientificas do Ultramar, Alameda D. Afonso Henriques 41-4° E, Lisbon-1, Portugal
Page 102
Magnetic susceptibility of the one-dimensional conductor(H3O)1.6[Pt(C2O4)2]nH2O: D. Heitkamp and H. S. Ra¨de. Institut fu¨r Chemie, Kernforschunganlage Ju¨lich.And H. J. Keller and H. H. Rupp. Institut fu¨r Anorganische Chemie der Universita¨t Heidelberg, Germany
Page 102
Ionic conductivity and coulometric titration of copper selenide: T. Takahashi, O. Yamamoto, F. Matsuyama, and Y. Noda. Department of Applied Chemistry, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464, Japan
Page 103
A study of the MgOsingle bondV2O5 system: G. M. Clark and R. Morley. Department of Applied Chemical and Biological Sciences, The Polytechnic, Huddersfield HD1 3DH, England
Page 103
Etude par diffractions X et neutronique d'un monocristal de UCr2O6 obtenu par synthese hydrothermale sous tres haute pression. Determination des structures cristallographique et magnetique: A. Collomb, M. Gondrand, M. S. Lehmann, J. J. Capponi, and J. C. Joubert. Laboratoire des Rayon X, C.N.R.S., B.P. 166, Centre de Tri, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France
Page 103
The electrical conductivity and thermodynamic behavior of SrO-doped nonstoichiometric cerium dioxide: R. N. Blumenthal and J. E. Garnier. Metallurgy and Materials Science, College of Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
Page 103

Issue 2, Pgs 105-212, (October, 1975)

A new productivity function and stability criterion in chemical vapor transport processes
Pages 105-116
K. Klosse
Mischkristallbildung und Kationenordnung im System Bleihydroxylapatit-Calciumhydroxylapatit
Pages 117-126
G. Engel, F. Krieg, G. Reif
Effect of growth conditions on the genesis of CdI2 polytypes
Pages 127-133
Gy Aneshwar, G.C. Trigunayat
Synthèse et propriétés magnétiques de solutions solides entre l'oxyde de chrome CrO2 et l'oxyhydroxyde de cobalt CoOOH
Pages 134-139
M. Pernet, J.C. Joubert
Luminescence and nonradiative relaxation of Pb2+, Sn2+, Sb3+, and Bi3+ in oxide glasses
Pages 140-150
R. Reisfeld, L. Boehm, B. Barnett
The standard free energy of formation of YbFe2O4, Yb2Fe3O7, YbFeO3, and Yb3Fe5O12 at 1200°C
Pages 151-157
Noboru Kimizuka, Takashi Katsura
Evolution des propriétés cristallographiques, electriques et magnétiques au sein du système La1−xSrxVO3
Pages 158-166
Patrick Dougier, Paul Hagenmuller
Solid solution formation in chalcopyrite systems of the type AgInX2-AgMIIIX2 where M = Al, Ga, and X = S,Se
Pages 167-170
M. Robbins, V.G. Lambrecht Jr.
Ionic conductivity of some alkaline earth halides
Pages 171-174
C.E. Derrington, A. Lindner, M. O'Keeffe
The charge-transfer absorption band of Eu3+ in oxides
Pages 175-177
H.E. Hoefdraad
Study of the ternary system Fe-Cr-Te around the composition FeCr2Te4
Pages 178-180
André Begouen-Demeaux, Gérard Villers, Pierre Gibart
Statistical approach to Anderson-Grüneisen parameter δ
Pages 181-185
S. Gupta, M.N. Sharma, S.R. Tripathi
Electronic and magnetic properties of LaNi1−xCoxO3, LaCo1−xFexO3 and LaNi1−xFexO3
Pages 186-192
C.N.R. Rao, O.M. Parkash, P. Ganguly
Etude des propriétés ferroélectriques de quelques oxydes ternaires de type pyrochlore
Pages 193-202
Gerald Jeanne, Gilbert Desgardin, Gerard Allais, Bernard Raveau
Temperature induced symmetry transformation in the Th3P4 type compounds La3S4, La3Se4, Pr3S4 and Pr3Se4
Pages 203-207
P.D. Dernier, E. Bucher, L.D. Longinotti
Page 208
Chalkogenides of the transition elements. X. X ray, neutron, Mössbauer and magnetic studies of pentlandite and the π phases π(Fe, Co, Ni, S), Co8MS8 and Fe4Ni4MS8 (M = Ru, Rh, Pd): O. Knop, C. H. Huang, K. I. G. Reid, and J. S. Carlow. Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4J3, Canada. And F. W. D. Woodhams. Department of Natural Philosophy, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB9 2UE, Scotland
Page 209
Transition metal iodates. VII. Crystallographic and nonlinear optic survey of the 4f-iodates: S. C. Abrahams, J. L. Bernstein, and K. Nassau. Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
Page 209
Thermodynamic characterization of ternary compounds. I. The case of negligible defect association: D. M. Smyth. Materials Research Center, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015
Pages 209-210
Study by electron microscopy and electron diffraction of formation of nickel epitaxially grown catalysts: G. Dalmai-Imelik, C. Leclercq, and A. Maubert-Muguet. C. N. R. S., Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse, 69626-Villeurbanne, France
Page 210
Étude structurale de Cs2SnF6: J. Durand, J. L. Galigne, and A. Lari-Lavassani. Laboratoire de Chimie Minerale C and Laboratoire de Mineralogie et Cristallographie, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 34060 Montpellier, France
Page 210
Magnetic susceptibility of the one-dimensional conductor (H3O)1.6[Pt(C2O4)2]nH2O: D. Heitkamp and H. S. Rade. Institut fur Chemie, Kernforschungsanlage Julich. and H. J. Keller and H. H. Rupp. Institut fur Anorganische Chemie der Universitat Heidelberg, Germany
Page 210
Formation energies of schottky defects in alkaline earth oxides: G. Ramani and K. J. Rao. Materials Science Division, National Aeronautical Laboratory, Bangalore-560017, India
Page 210
The electrical conductivity of ammonium perchlorate single crystals: A. G. Keenan and M. G. Ohanian. Department of Chemistry, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33124
Pages 210-211
Oxydes de plomb: III. Étude par diffraction des rayons X sur poudre des transitions ferroelectrique et ferroelastique de l'oxyde Pb3O4: P. Garnier, G. Calvarin and D. Weigel. Laboratoire de Chimie/Physique du Solide, Universite de Paris-Nord et Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, 92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France
Page 211
Influence de l'insertion des groupements anioniques MOn−4 sur les proprietes cathodochromiques et photochromiques des sodalites: A. Levasseur, F. Guillen, C. Fouassier, and P. Hagenmuller. Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide du C. N. R. S., Universite de Bordeaux I, 351 cours de la Liberation, 33405 Talence, France. And J. M. Gutierrez and J. P. Galves. Groupement Tubes Electroniques, Thomson-C. S. F., 38120 Saint-Egreve, France
Page 211
Influence of charge-compensating ions on the luminescence of vanadium-activated sulfates: G. Blasse and G. P. M. van den Heuvel. Physical Laboratory, Sorbonnelaan 4, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Page 211
The structures of fluorides. XIII. The orthorhombic form of tungsten hexafluoride at 193°K by neutron diffraction: J. H. Levy, J. C. Taylor, and P. W. Wilson. Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment, Sutherland, N. S. W., 2232, Australia
Page 211
Preparation and characterization of new ternary compounds in the system BaO-TiO2-Al2O3: J. P. Guha and D. Kolar. Institute Jožef Stefan, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana. And B. Volavšek. College of Chemistry, Maribor, Yugoslavia
Page 211
Preparation et etude structurale des spinelles (FeAl2−2zCr2z)O4: F. Chassagneux and A. Rousset. Laboratoire de Chimie Minerale, Universite Claude Bernard, 69621 Villeurbanne, France
Page 212
The dioxide-trioxide region of the vanadium-tungsten-oxygen system: T. Ekström. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Stockholm, S 104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. And R. J. D. Tilley. School of Materials Science, University of Bradford, Bradford BD 7 1DP, West Yorkshire, England
Page 212

Issue 3, Pgs 213-300, (November, 1975)

Phosphures ternaires de lithium. II. Structure cristalline de LiBeP
Pages 213-217
Abdallah El Maslout, Jean-Pierre Motte, Alain Courtois, Charles Gleitzer
Planar defects in β-alumina
Pages 218-222
Y. Le Cars, D. Gratias, R. Portier, J. Théry
Structure cristalline de Be3P2
Pages 223-228
Abdallah el Maslout, Jean-Pierre Motte, Alain Courtois, Jean Protas, Charles Gleitzer
An X-ray photoelectron study of V0.92S with the NiAs-type structure
Pages 229-232
H.F. Franzen, G.A. Sawatzky
Vibrational spectra of spinels with cation ordering on the octahedral sites
Pages 233-245
Vassilis G. Keramidas, Bernardo A. Deangelis, William B. White
Crystal structures of V3S4 and V5S8
Pages 246-252
Isao Kawada, Mitsuko Nakano-Onoda, Motohiko Ishii, Masanobu Saeki, Mitsuoki Nakahira
Etude de la diffusion du lithium dans le phosphure Li8SnP4 par mesure du temps de relaxation transversal RMN de 7Li
Pages 253-260
J.P. Motte, A.El Maslout, P. Granger
Electrical transport properties of Zn doped ZnO
Pages 261-270
K.I. Hagemark, L.C. Chacka
Sputtered films of superconducting ternary molybdenum sulfides
Pages 271-273
C.K. Banks, L. Kammerdiner, H.L. Luo
Structural studies in the Li2MoO4-MoO3 system: Part 2. The high-temperature form of lithium tetramolybdate, H-Li2Mo4O13
Pages 274-282
B.M. Gatehouse, B.K. Miskin
Specific heat measurement of cubic sodium tungsten bronzes from 200 to 800°K
Pages 283-288
Hideaki Inaba, Keiji Naito
Influence of charge-compensating ions on the luminescence of vanadium-activated sulfates
Pages 289-291
G. Blasse, G.P.M. Van Den Heuvel
Magnetic susceptibility of the one-dimensional conductor (H3O)1.6[Pt(C2O4)2]nH2O
Pages 292-296
D. Heitkamp, H.S. Räde, H.J. Keller, H.H. Rupp
Solid state chemistry of organic polyvalent iodine compounds. V. The crystal structures of 3-oxo-3H-2, 1-benzoxiodol-1-yl o-bromobenzoate (two polymorphs) and 3-oxo-3H-2, 1-benzoxiodol-1-yl o-chlorobenzoate: J. Zanos Gougoutas and D. G. Naae. Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Page 297
Solid state chemistry of organic polyvalent iodine compounds. VI. The crystal structure and topotactic hydrolysis of 3-oxo-3H-2, 1-benzoxiodol-1-yl o-fluorobenzoate: J. Zanos Gougoutas, Kuo H. Chang, and M. C. Etter. Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Page 297
Ba15Fe7S25 and Ba3FeS5: Crystal structures, Mössbauer, magnetic and electrical behavior: J. T. Lemley, J. M. Jenks, J. T. Hoggins, Z. Eliezer, and H. Steinfink. Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712
Pages 297-298
Observation directe par microscopie electronique a haute resolution de la transformation des hydroxycarbonates de terres rares (type B) en oxycarbonates (type II): H. Dexpert, G. Schiffmacher, and P. Caro. Laboratoire des Terres Rares, 1, Place Aristide Briand, 92190 Meudon-Bellevue, France
Page 298
Identification of binary compounds in the system Ce2O3-WO3,: M. Yoshimura, F. Sibieude, A. Rouanet, and M. Foex. Laboratoire des Ultra-Refractaires, Odeillo, 66120 Font-Romeu, France
Page 298
On the formation of FeSe2 single crystals by chemical transport reactions: J. Pickardt, B. Reuter, E. Riedel, and J. Söchtig. Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Technische Universität Berlin, 1 Berlin 12, Germany
Page 298
Evidence for the existence of iron tungsten bronzes: I. J. McColm and R. J. D. Tilley. School of Materials Science, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, Yorkshire, England. C. P. M. Barton and N. N. Greenwood. Department of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
Pages 298-299
Les hypovanadates alcalinoterreux. Evolution structurale de la serie CaVnO2n+1 (n = 1, 2, 3, 4): J. C. Bouloux and J. Galy. Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide, Universite de Bordeaux I, 351 cours de la Liberation, 33405 Talence, France
Page 299
An electron microscope study of tungsten oxides in the composition range WO2.90-WO2.72,: R. Pickering and R. J. D. Tilley. School of Materials Science, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, Yorkshire, England
Page 299
On the cobalt induced moments in ternary gadolinium-yttrium compounds: E. Burzo and D. P. Lazar. Institute for Atomic Physics, P.O. Box 5206, Bucharest, Romania
Page 299
Transition de phase ferroelectrique-antiferroelectrique par inversion de l'energie d'echange: P. Gonnard, L. Eyraud, Y. Fetiveau, and M. Troccaz. Laboratoire de Genie Electrique et Ferroelectricite, Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon, Batiment 504, 69621 Villeurbanne, France
Page 299
Les hypovanadates de magnesium MgVO3 et MgV2O5. Structure cristalline de MgVO3,: J. C. Bouloux, I. Milosevic, and J. Galy. Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide du C.N.R.S., Universite de Bordeaux I, 351 cours de la Liberation, 33405 Talence, France
Page 299
Determination of the point group of β-Ga2O3 from morphology and physical properties: G. M. Wolten and A. B. Chase. The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California
Page 300
The electrical conductivity of strontium doped ammonium perchlorate single crystals: A. G. Kennan and M. G. Ohanian. Department of Chemistry, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33124
Page 300
Preparation et etude de LiCuO: H. N. Migeon, A. Courtois, M. Zanne, and C. Gleitzer. Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide and Laboratoire de Mineralogie et Cristallographie, Universite de Nancy I, 54037 Nancy, France
Page 300
Thermodynamic relations among olivine, spinel, and phenacite structures in silicates and germanates. V. The system MgO-“FeO”-GeO2,: A. Navrotsky and L. Hughes, Jr. Department of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281
Page 300

Issue 4, Pgs 301-397, (December, 1975)

Observation directe par microscopie electronique a haute resolution de la transformation des hydroxycarbonates de terres rares (type B) en oxycarbonates (type II)
Pages 301-309
H. Dexpert, G. Schiffmacher, P. Caro
Disorder and ionic polarons in solid electrolytes
Pages 310-324
W.J. Pardee, G.D. Mahan
The crystal and molecular structure of bis(ortho-aminobenzoato)copper-(II), Cu(H2NC6H4COO)2
Pages 325-332
Bruce A. Lange, Helmut M. Haendler
Neutron diffraction determination of the crystal structure of Ce7O12
Pages 333-343
S.P. Ray, D.E. Cox
X-ray and neutron diffraction study of intermediate phases in nonstoichiometric cerium dioxide
Pages 344-351
S.P. Ray, A.S. Nowick, D.E. Cox
On the structure of evaporated bismuth oxide thin films
Pages 352-359
John W. Medernach
The structures of fluorides XIII: The orthorhombic form of tungsten hexafluoride at 193°K by neutron diffraction
Pages 360-365
J.H. Levy, J.C. Taylor, P.W. Wilson
On the formation of FeSe2 single crystals by chemical transport reactions
Pages 366-368
J. Pickardt, B. Reuter, E. Riedel, J. Söchtig
Page 369
Abstracts of forthcoming article
Pages 370-373
Author index for volume 15
Pages 374-375
Cumulative subject index volumes 12–15
Pages 376-397